GENERAL. this is a mutally exclusive blog. this means that i will only interact with those who i follow back. please respect this & please do not like, reply to, reblog or interact with this blog if we are not mutuals. i also ask that personals do not like or reblog anything from this blog.LORE. the lore in this blog is adapted from neil gaiman's book stardust along with the 2007 film adaptation directed by matthew vaughn. i do not own the rights to the general lore of stardust, stormhold, or wall, however i have made my own headcanons & the work behind juliet is my own. please do not steal anything from me.CROSSOVERS. i am super crossover and au friendly. i will try to fit juliet into as many universes as possible so please don't be afraid to reach out if you can't see anything on my verses page that works for you.CREDITS. the psd i use is breakfast at tiffany's by somresources. base icons were made by @cerberuscommissions & @lyonkept & the header for my pinned post was made by @takenreign !TRIGGERS. there may be triggering themes & nsfw content. everything will be tagged accordingly in the format "trigger tw" and any nsfw content will be tagged as "nsfw". smut will not happen/be present on this blog.MEMES. please send all the memes you'd like, both unprompted & ones from prompts i have reblogged. you are welcome to carry on my responses, but please double check with me first as i do not intend for all of them to be threads. if you respond to a meme without messaging first, i will probably not respond to it. i do reblog meme karma, so please try sending something in if you're reblogging one through me & please reblog from the source where possible. thank you!FACECLAIMS. i will not write with deceased or problematic faceclaims, including people such as thomas doherty, dove cameron, bob morley or eliza taylor.OOC. my name is zara, i'm 23 & i'm in the gmt timezone. i love making new friends & chatting to my rp partners so please don't ever be afraid to reach out to chat! my discord is available to mutuals so please ask for it any time! if you ever have any questions, then please send them my way!

FULL NAME. juliet una thorn.
NICKNAMES/TITLES. jul, jules, princess.
DATE OF BIRTH. 8th october 1674.
AGE. 157 (but appears mid twenties).
GENDER. female.
PRONOUNS. she/her.
ORIENTATION. bisexual.
SPECIES. half human half star.
BIRTH PLACE. stormhold, faerie (which borders the village of wall in england).
OCCUPATION. princess of stormhold, pirate, waitress, dancer, spy (verse/era dependant).
SKILLS. horse riding, sailing, capturing lightning, basic sword fighting.
POSITIVE TRAITS. caring, courageous, determined.
NEGATIVE TRAITS. reckless, naïve, impulsive.
THREAT LEVEL. low to medium.
WEAPONS. gold hilted sword, gifted to her by her uncle, captain shakespeare.
ABILITIES. her heart, if consumed, would grant the user semi-immortality (essentially an extension to their life) along with youthfulness. as such, her blood has healing properties for others & is sought after by supernaturals and humans alike. she also is semi-immortal herself, but is not invulnerable and can be killed.
HEIGHT. 5'3".
BUILD. slim.
TATTOOS. none.

EYES. blue.
HAIR. blonde, usually braided and pinned up.
SCARS. tbd.
DRESSING STYLE. on stormhold, dresses with pretty embroidery, celestial inspired jewellery, including headpieces and pins. when travelling (and in her pirate verses), slightly less ornate dresses & trousers - anything she can risk getting dirty/muddy essentially. in a modern world, a more 00s style, mostly focusing around blue tones.
PARENTS. tristan thorn (father), yvaine thorn (mother)
SIBLINGS. jasper thorn (eldest brother), edmund thorn (second eldest brother), sebastian thorn (older brother), theodore thorn (younger brorther), francis thorn (youngest brother).

BIOGRAPHY: in 1856, a king lying on his deathbed threw a ruby necklace into the night sky, declaring that the first of his sons to locate the piece ( and to restore the red colour to the now transperent jewel ) would become king of stormhold. reaching up further than anyone could have predicted, this necklace pulled the evening star down from the sky and sent her hurtling down to the land of stormhold, where magic allowed her to take a human form.a young boy who lived across from this kingdom in the village of wall, promised to bring the girl he loved this star in exchange for her hand in marriage. he sets off onto an adventure, crossing into the magical realm of faerie, where the kingdom stormhold is found to locate the star and bring her back to england. however, after finding the star, falls in love with her instead, and after a long series of events, ends up finding the ruby for himself, becoming king of stormhold & marrying the star, taking her as his queen.juliet is the fourth out of the six children that tristan and yvaine have together. a half human, half star princess, who lives in stormhold and dreams of being able to cross the wall into the human world someday. she is kind & sweet natured, just like her parents, but has an adventerous streak & craves for a life of excitement.she is not immortal, but she ages significantly slower than a human & will most likely live to be a few hundred, maybe even a thousand or so years old. she also glows when she's happy & content, though not as brightly as her mother has been known to. she spends the earlier years of her life conducting her duties within the kingdom as required, helping out with the festivities that take place every nine years for the humans, but once she realises that she is able to cross the wall without consequence, she begins travelling further afield, desperate to learn more about human life & to immerse herself within their world.

MAIN. juliet lives within stormhold & conducts her duties as a princess, making an appearance every nine years at the festivities held for the humans & looking out for the people in her kingdom. note: this verse can be thrown into any fantasy/historical setting - i'm more than happy to amend lore when required to match my partner!HUNT FOR THE RUBY. after her father and mother light the babylon candle to return to the sky, juliet & her siblings are set on a mission to find the ruby that their parents threw into the world. the first person to find the ruby will become king or queen of stormhold. this verse follows juliet's adventures to locate the ruby & involves her travelling through human land & into other realms.PIRATE AU. after learning how to fly & manage a sky vessel, juliet takes to the seas and joins a pirate ship, sailing with them around the ocean & joining on their adventures.THE HUNGER GAMES. juliet is from district 4 and is reaped into the games. tbc.

MODERN. after realising that she is able to cross the wall without turning into dust, she ventures out into the modern world, wanting to experience life as a human. she goes to college, studying a variety of degrees over the years such as classical civilisation, philosophy & psychology & works at night in different diners & bars. note: this verse can be set anytime from the 1900s onwards. juliet's studies & work will differ depending on the era, but she can fit anywhere as a lady's maid, a nurse, a seamstress etc if you'd prefer a more historical timed thread! a full timeline of her modern verse can be found below, but this can be altered to fit in with different plots!MODERN ROYAL - NO MAGIC. juliet is the princess of stormhold, a small kingdom that lies outside of england. she travels around for events & charity work, but is always itching for something more adventerous.LIGHTNING PIRATE. after spending several years with captain shakespeare, juliet ends up joining a full crew of lightning marshals & travels with them full time, capturing & selling lightning.THE VAMPIRE DIARIES / TEEN WOLF / ANY SUPERNATURAL BASED AU. follows the same as the regular modern verse, but juliet ends up in mystic falls/beacon hills. very interested in the supernatural & will try to investigate further into the legends. headcanon here highlights some importance into juliet's blood & how it may be alluring to supernaturals.

STAR WARS. stormhold is a kingdom within the planet of faerie & juliet lives as a princess there, conducting her duties as required & dreaming of a future where she can explore the galaxy, having learnt how to pilot a ship from a young age through the help of her family friend, captain shakespeare. stormhold aids the resistance in secret; sending them supplies & fighters, mostly through the use of captain shakespeare. juliet’s family hope to continue this until the end of the war, but somebody within the kingdom tips off the first order & they soon come to the kingdom.after their parents are killed, juliet & her brothers decide to make an alliance with the first order, promising to cease their connection with the resistance & assuring that they will aid them instead. juliet is taken back to a first order base to insure that her brothers will not break this alliance & she works there until she’s eventually able to escape.once she finds the resistance, she offers her help to them both as a pilot & as a spy & helps them in any way that she can until the war ends.HARRY POTTER AU. after being raised in a magical world, halfblood juliet is sent to hogwarts and is sorted into the gryffindor house. peacock patronus. tbc. moodboard here.

* note, this is a rough timeline & can be amended to fit with plots/verses if required !

( 1864 - 1881. ) juliet is born and conducts her duties as a princess as required; helping the people of stormhold, attending her lessons & aiding with the festivities that are held every nine years for the humans.( 1881 - 1882. ) juliet takes to the sky with her family friend, captain shakespeare, and learns the skills behind becoming a lightning marshal. she travels around with him and his crew on his ship, helping them maintain the ship, capture and sell lightning & she also learns how to use a sword & basic fighting principles.( 1882 - 1914. ) juliet returns home to stormhold and resumes her princess duties. she occasionally heads off on trips with captain shakespeare and his crew, but these are few and far between.( 1918 - 1918. ) after the announcement of world war one, juliet finally braves a trip across the wall, determined to help with the war efforts. she travels across england and ends up working on dockyards.( 1918 - 1926. ) juliet returns home after the wall and resumes her princess duties once more, however with the knowledge that she is able to cross the wall into the human realm without consequence, and the independence she gained while working throughout the wall, she finds herself travelling outside of stormhold more often, desperate to explore the human world properly.

( 1926 - 1939 ) juliet decides to travel properly; heading across the world as much as she can, exploring europe and america before attempting to stretch further afield. she tries to have as much fun with her trips as possible; making friends wherever she can and attending bars and clubs when possible. studies her first degree.( 1939 - 1945. ) world war 2 breaks out and juliet helps out wherever she can. she returns home in 1943 to say goodbye to her parents, who light the babylon candle. the hunt for the ruby begins, but it is kept low-key until the war ends.( 1945 - 1950. ) the hunt for the ruby commences. juliet travels far and wide for it, using any knowledge possible to locate it, however her younger brother secures it & becomes king of stormhold.( 1950 - 1970. ) returning back to the wider human world, juliet trains professionally in song & dance and becomes a dancer in a handful of hollywood films & misc shows under the stage name: celeste solaris.( 1970 onwards. ) juliet decides to retire from her performing life & tries to settle down a little more; only travelling once every few years, and taking on jobs in diners, bars and cafés while she undertakes several degrees over time.

wall is a village in england, known for its name due to the long stone wall that runs alongside it. faerie can be located on the other side of the wall, however it is gaurded at all times & humans are only allowed to enter once every nine years to attend a special event that faerie conducts, filled with market stalls & festivities, allowing humans to see magical beings & purchase goods.

stormhold exists within the magical realm of faerie. its located beyond the wall next to the village of wall and can be accessed through a small gap in the wall when permitted by the guard. it's bigger than england, as it is bigger than any world & stretches into different biomes such as mountainous terrain, woodland, tundra & an underground cave network. it also houses magic, like the ability for stars to become human, the moon to take the shape as a harvest moon, witches, unicorns & much more.
humans are allowed to visit the kingdom of stormhold for one week every nine years and are allowed to participate in festivities, explore the land & purchase goods from the markets. other than this, the one entrance from the human world ( a small gap in the stone wall ) is heavily guarded 24 hours a day & any humans that do somehow find a way to pass are soon escorted out of the kingdom, some with their memory wiped if they are deemed to have malicious intent.

after the announcement of ww1, humans were no longer accepted into the kigndom & an illusion was cast over the realm so that any human that looks across to it only sees regular forests & fields, with magic used to ensure that this view feels "boring" so that they would not stare for too long. however, this illusion has been known to weaken for those with a magic or supernatural pull, along with those who have vivid imaginations and fully allow themselves to believe in the realm in spite of the "evidence" put forwards to state otherwise.stories of stormhold & the realm live on through paintings, music & stories, however to the majority of the human world, these are deemed to be works of fiction; sweet, fun & enticing tales for children & families, with no real truth behind them. however, this is far from the truth & those who have the courage to investigate further may find themselves stumbling upon a lost kingdom someday if they figure out where to look.